Come away with Me to the hidden place of intimate connection. Let Me restore your soul with vitality and strength that is supernatural life. The harshness of the past season is over and this is a time of revitalization, fruitfulness, and new wine. I AM breathing new life into the hopes, dreams, and promises that have been buried under the rubble of worldly cares..
Revitalization begins with revival, revelation and then the removal of the rubble. Connect with me face to face in the quiet refuge of My love and receive the resuscitation of life for present Kingdom purpose. It is here that you will be renewed in the hope of glory. It is here that you will reconnect with vision for the dreams that I have sown into your spirit and divine design. It is here that you will gain revelation for the restoration of promised destiny.
There is a heavenly wisdom available to you for what things have hindered you from fully occupying your promises. There is knowledge available for what things have kept you from fully tasting the new wine that I have purposed for you to drink of...deeply, joyfully, exuberantly. Sometimes it is the good and the better which keeps you from the best. These are the little foxes that spoil the vines by robbing them of the choicest grapes, thus producing a lesser vintage. I AM revitalizing your inheritance which requires a revelation and removal of those things.
Let Me breathe My love into you afresh and this will be a joyful work and not a heavy labor. You will find energized freedom to release the lesser things as you know and experience intimate connection with the one who is Truth and the Lover of your soul. Revival is the precursor to revitalization!