Sometimes "free will" sucks. The end result of sin (when it has completed its course) is death. God gave us free will as a gift so that we could choose to love because without choice we would just be robots. Love always gives a choice. He created all things "good" and created humans for companionship because He wants us to know Him...Who alone is the source of goodness and life. He entrusted all that He created to be good to human beings to maintain through right relationship with Him and told them to take dominion in the earth and bring it under His authority (His good Kingdom rule of righteousness). Adam and Eve chose instead to give their power over to Satan's influence (evil) by eating from the tree of the knowledge of good AND evil thus inviting evil into the earth to coexist with all that God created to be "good". Now sin flourishes in the earth through people who choose to exercise their "right" to know and to do good and evil.
Fortunately God had a plan of redemption through His Son, Jesus, who came to earth as a human being to live a sinless life (choosing only good) and through the knowledge of the perfect love of the Father became the ultimate sacrifice for sin so that we could be reconciled to God in right relationship (because He is loving AND just...a just God cannot allow sin (evil) to continue without a penalty but a loving God cannot be unforgiving towards those who repent of their wrongs. So in Jesus we have a way to have the penalty of our sins paid for and to come back into right relationship with a living and good God who gives us a life of goodness for eternity with Him who choose to surrender to His authority. We are adopted into His family through a spiritual “rebirth”. We then, also have the honor of being His representatives in the earth to make Him known to those who don't know His goodness and through obedience to His rule (as revealed in His word, the Bible and by the indwelling power of His Holy Spirit which He gives to us when we choose to accept Jesus' life exchanged for ours) we become His ambassadors in the earth while we are here to bring His righteousness (His "rightness") where we can because of those that our lives touch and influence. We endure with Christ in suffering for a little while on earth looking forward to eternal life with Him and doing His work while we can to bring as many as possible with us into Glory (Heaven)!
And THAT is the true meaning of Christmas!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Wrestling In The Presence vs. Worshiping In The Presence
Beloved Ones, when you meet with Me face to face, is it for wrestling or for worship? I will bless either way because you are Mine and because it is My nature to bless. I can bless wherever I find faith to believe in Me, but…the results will be different according to your faith, your focus, and the kind of fruit-bearing seed that you are sowing. There is a sowing and reaping principle in everything. When you sow to the flesh, you reap of the flesh; and when you sow to the spirit, you reap of the spirit.
Jacob met Me face to face in Peniel and he wrestled with Me for a blessing. He wrestled with Me until the break of dawn thinking that I did not want to bless him. I remained resisting him because I longed to give him a greater blessing than the one that he sought. He had an agenda. He sought a natural blessing and in the end that is what he got. He was redeemed from his old identity and restored to all that was rightfully his in the natural. However, he walked away from the face of God with a limp, with his life preserved, but out of alignment with the supernatural flow of the Kingdom which comes through prioritizing the Presence of God in worship.
Joshua met Me face to face near Jericho. He also had an agenda…to know whether I was for him or for his adversaries. The difference is that when Joshua saw Me for who I AM, he laid down his agenda, bowed his face to the holy ground, and worshiped the Presence of the One who had come and was with him. He took off his sandal, staying in that place and posture of worship…dwelling in the Presence and lingering there until I spoke heavenly revelation for him to do otherwise. He stayed in alignment with the Presence of the Holy One and afterward he was witness and participant to the supernatural flow of the Kingdom that felled the walls surrounding Jericho.
Prioritizing worshiping My Presence sows into the spirit because I AM spirit. It is in worshiping My Presence that you are transformed from glory to glory…from the glory of redeemed natural identity to the glory of transformed supernatural identity. It is the difference between being empowered with natural strength and being empowered with supernatural strength. It is the difference between having your life preserved or My life transferred.
Genesis 32:24-32; Hosea 12:2-6; Joshua 5:13-15; Galatians 6:7
Jacob met Me face to face in Peniel and he wrestled with Me for a blessing. He wrestled with Me until the break of dawn thinking that I did not want to bless him. I remained resisting him because I longed to give him a greater blessing than the one that he sought. He had an agenda. He sought a natural blessing and in the end that is what he got. He was redeemed from his old identity and restored to all that was rightfully his in the natural. However, he walked away from the face of God with a limp, with his life preserved, but out of alignment with the supernatural flow of the Kingdom which comes through prioritizing the Presence of God in worship.
Joshua met Me face to face near Jericho. He also had an agenda…to know whether I was for him or for his adversaries. The difference is that when Joshua saw Me for who I AM, he laid down his agenda, bowed his face to the holy ground, and worshiped the Presence of the One who had come and was with him. He took off his sandal, staying in that place and posture of worship…dwelling in the Presence and lingering there until I spoke heavenly revelation for him to do otherwise. He stayed in alignment with the Presence of the Holy One and afterward he was witness and participant to the supernatural flow of the Kingdom that felled the walls surrounding Jericho.
Prioritizing worshiping My Presence sows into the spirit because I AM spirit. It is in worshiping My Presence that you are transformed from glory to glory…from the glory of redeemed natural identity to the glory of transformed supernatural identity. It is the difference between being empowered with natural strength and being empowered with supernatural strength. It is the difference between having your life preserved or My life transferred.
Genesis 32:24-32; Hosea 12:2-6; Joshua 5:13-15; Galatians 6:7
Monday, October 10, 2011
Assessment For Alignment
Beloved Ones, this is the beginning of a new year by My spiritual calendar. It is a time to come to Me for an accurate assessment of yourself. There are old things that have an expiration date in the past that need to be let go of in order to make room for embracing the new things of the current and coming seasons. This is a time for getting your personal house in order…the physical house of your body, the physical house of your home, the physical house of your relationships, the physical house of your business, and the physical house of your ministry so that your spiritual house will come into alignment with My Kingdom flow and all of the fullness that I intend for you.
I have set certain laws in place from which to operate in the earth. There are laws of nature that are binding forces and principles within which life flows, parameters through which the natural and the spiritual function…or don’t function. What is sown in the natural will be reaped in the spiritual as well; first the natural and then the spiritual. The spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual.
Those who will receive My truthful assessment and come into alignment with Me will be those who will be positioned to receive, contain, and disperse the flow of My Kingdom in this season. They will become the new wineskins that will receive, contain, and disperse the new wine of My Spirit. I cannot put the new wine into the old wineskins because they are not able to contain it without bursting…the wine will be spilled out useless and the wineskins will be ruined. I desire to make you into newly suitable vessels for My glorious Kingdom purposes.
My Kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Through aligning yourselves with My true assessment you will be those who make things right, who move in peace, and who are motivated by joy.
1 Corinthians 15:46; Isaiah 43:18-21; Matthew 9:16-17; Romans 14:17
I have set certain laws in place from which to operate in the earth. There are laws of nature that are binding forces and principles within which life flows, parameters through which the natural and the spiritual function…or don’t function. What is sown in the natural will be reaped in the spiritual as well; first the natural and then the spiritual. The spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual.
Those who will receive My truthful assessment and come into alignment with Me will be those who will be positioned to receive, contain, and disperse the flow of My Kingdom in this season. They will become the new wineskins that will receive, contain, and disperse the new wine of My Spirit. I cannot put the new wine into the old wineskins because they are not able to contain it without bursting…the wine will be spilled out useless and the wineskins will be ruined. I desire to make you into newly suitable vessels for My glorious Kingdom purposes.
My Kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Through aligning yourselves with My true assessment you will be those who make things right, who move in peace, and who are motivated by joy.
1 Corinthians 15:46; Isaiah 43:18-21; Matthew 9:16-17; Romans 14:17
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Kingdom People
Beloved Ones I AM looking for Kingdom people who will empty themselves so as to be FILLED with my Spirit. I AM looking for a Bride whose lamp is filled with oil as she waits for her Bridegroom’s coming. This Bride is full of light because she looks to the One who is Light for her life. I AM looking for Kingdom people who are fully Mine, who are a Bride with an undivided heart.
Will you be people who put off religious pretense in order to really know Me? Will you empty yourselves of blame, judgments, and gossip so that you can do what is right? Will you empty yourselves of the heavy expectations that you put on others so that they can be free to be and to do what I have called them to be and to do? Will you empty yourselves of your own agendas and plans so that you can be available to Me and to your own families? Will you empty yourselves from pursuing your own pleasures and find your delight in Me? Will you empty yourselves from speaking your own words and find out what I want to say about a matter? Will you empty yourselves of covetous gain and share what you have with those in need?
When you empty yourselves of these things and find your delight in Me then I will satisfy your souls even in drought, and strengthen your bodies. You will be filled with life that doesn’t fail. You will raise up, rebuild, repair, and restore those things which the enemy has made into a desolate wasteland. THIS is what it is to be Kingdom people.
2 Kings 4:1-7; Matthew 25:1-13, 12:25-30; Luke 11:33-36; Isaiah 58
Will you be people who put off religious pretense in order to really know Me? Will you empty yourselves of blame, judgments, and gossip so that you can do what is right? Will you empty yourselves of the heavy expectations that you put on others so that they can be free to be and to do what I have called them to be and to do? Will you empty yourselves of your own agendas and plans so that you can be available to Me and to your own families? Will you empty yourselves from pursuing your own pleasures and find your delight in Me? Will you empty yourselves from speaking your own words and find out what I want to say about a matter? Will you empty yourselves of covetous gain and share what you have with those in need?
When you empty yourselves of these things and find your delight in Me then I will satisfy your souls even in drought, and strengthen your bodies. You will be filled with life that doesn’t fail. You will raise up, rebuild, repair, and restore those things which the enemy has made into a desolate wasteland. THIS is what it is to be Kingdom people.
2 Kings 4:1-7; Matthew 25:1-13, 12:25-30; Luke 11:33-36; Isaiah 58
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The Bright and Morning Star Arising
Beloved Ones, it is time for My Church, My Bride to awaken and arise out of her slumber for the days are soon coming when darkness will cover the earth. There will be an increasing of restlessness and turmoil even within what is called My church, My house. Those who have a true knowledge of God and of Jesus as Lord (as their “First Love”) will also know that I have given them all things that are suitable to life and godliness. Those who hold Me in highest esteem and acknowledge the excellence of My power will be connected to Me in such a way as to participate with Me in the divine nature, escaping the corruption and depravity that is in the world through lust.
I AM the Bright and Morning Star. I AM He who breaks through the darkness. I AM your “true north” even in the darkness and I AM closer than you imagine. I come quickly…in an instant… Those who are looking to Me will see and know My power with them, but those who are sleeping or looking elsewhere will not be witnesses to the breaking forth of My Kingdom that is near them.
Those who are born of God will overcome the darkness. Hold fast what you have till I come. Keep My works until the end and I will give you power over the "company of darkness" through the morning star that rises in your hearts.
Isaiah 60:1-3; 2 Peter 1:2, 19; Revelation 2:18-29, 22:12-17; John 6:29-40
I AM the Bright and Morning Star. I AM He who breaks through the darkness. I AM your “true north” even in the darkness and I AM closer than you imagine. I come quickly…in an instant… Those who are looking to Me will see and know My power with them, but those who are sleeping or looking elsewhere will not be witnesses to the breaking forth of My Kingdom that is near them.
Those who are born of God will overcome the darkness. Hold fast what you have till I come. Keep My works until the end and I will give you power over the "company of darkness" through the morning star that rises in your hearts.
Isaiah 60:1-3; 2 Peter 1:2, 19; Revelation 2:18-29, 22:12-17; John 6:29-40
Monday, August 29, 2011
Deprivation and Provision
Beloved Ones, there have been times of deprivation because there are consuming forces in the earth whose focus and intent is to kill, steal, and destroy. You, however, are not a people of deprivation, but a people of provision. I will redeem all that the locust has eaten and restore all that concerns you. Your provision will not be seen in the earthly realm because it will come from heavenly resources.
You are a people of provision and are called to be a blessing in the earth. You are called to receive and release heavenly blessings from the storehouse of heaven into the earth according to My word. You are blessed to be a blessing. It is when you look to Me as your provision, Jehovah- Jireh “The Eternal Living One Will Provide”, that you will come into alignment with the flow of that provision out of the resources of heaven. These resources are unlimited and abundant, including every possible point of need. Return to the stronghold of your God, you prisoners of hope! I will perfect that which concerns you and will not abandon the work of My hands.
You are a people of provision, blessed to be a blessing.
Joel 2:23-27; Psalm 78:35; Jeremiah 30:16-17; Zechariah 9:12; Psalm 138:8
You are a people of provision and are called to be a blessing in the earth. You are called to receive and release heavenly blessings from the storehouse of heaven into the earth according to My word. You are blessed to be a blessing. It is when you look to Me as your provision, Jehovah- Jireh “The Eternal Living One Will Provide”, that you will come into alignment with the flow of that provision out of the resources of heaven. These resources are unlimited and abundant, including every possible point of need. Return to the stronghold of your God, you prisoners of hope! I will perfect that which concerns you and will not abandon the work of My hands.
You are a people of provision, blessed to be a blessing.
Joel 2:23-27; Psalm 78:35; Jeremiah 30:16-17; Zechariah 9:12; Psalm 138:8
Monday, August 15, 2011
Favor vs. Entitlement
Beloved Ones, you are My favored ones for I have given you life and favor, and My care has preserved your spirit. My favor is rooted in grace and is for a lifetime. My favor is as a shield around you. It is because of My favor that I fight for you with My strong arm to save you and it is because of My favor in the light of My countenance that you can know My pleasure. I favor your righteous cause; I take pleasure in the prosperity of My servants. My favor is a gift of grace. It comes out of the generous abundance of My heart. You must learn to eat from this abundant fruit that is rooted in the Tree of Life by the Holy Spirit. Favor is yours because you are sons and daughters of the Living God. Favor is the bread of the children of God. Favor belongs to My church and is exercised by resting in Me and My goodness. It is life giving and yours to receive simply by birthright.
Entitlement has no place in My church. Entitlement is self-seeking. It strives for what one thinks is due him. Entitlement is rooted in the Tree of Knowledge and partaking of its fruit leads to death. Entitlement is a work of the law and is exercised through the self-striving flesh. Cease striving and know that I AM God.
Increased discernment is crucial in these days. Ask Me for it and I will freely give it to you. The line between truth and error is increasingly becoming blurred, but My people are to KNOW Me and walk in My ways. KNOW My favor. KNOW My goodness. KNOW Me. Those who KNOW their God will be strong, and do great exploits.
Receive My favor by grace. Rest in it, and KNOW that My goodness is working on your behalf in all things.
Job 10:12; Psalm 5:12, 30:5, 35:27, 44:3; Daniel 11:32
Entitlement has no place in My church. Entitlement is self-seeking. It strives for what one thinks is due him. Entitlement is rooted in the Tree of Knowledge and partaking of its fruit leads to death. Entitlement is a work of the law and is exercised through the self-striving flesh. Cease striving and know that I AM God.
Increased discernment is crucial in these days. Ask Me for it and I will freely give it to you. The line between truth and error is increasingly becoming blurred, but My people are to KNOW Me and walk in My ways. KNOW My favor. KNOW My goodness. KNOW Me. Those who KNOW their God will be strong, and do great exploits.
Receive My favor by grace. Rest in it, and KNOW that My goodness is working on your behalf in all things.
Job 10:12; Psalm 5:12, 30:5, 35:27, 44:3; Daniel 11:32
Friday, July 22, 2011
The Body
Beloved Ones, there is no place in My body for a competitive spirit. It works against the Holy Spirit. Does it bring health and wholeness for the kidney to elevate itself over the lung, or for the mouth to elevate itself over the eye, or for the ear to elevate itself over the heart?
You are not your own. You were bought at a price; therefore glorify God because you have been baptized into one body with many members and just ONE Spirit. The body is not one member but many, and I have set each one of the members in the body just as I please. If the whole body were an eye, where would be the hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the smelling? Is one more important than another? Should one receive greater honor than another? What would happen if the heart decided to elevate itself above the brain? What would be the benefit for the brain to elevate itself above the lung? The body must work together as one; if one member suffers the whole body suffers.
You are the Body of Christ and members individually. Be of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for your own interests, but also for the interests of others. Consider that you are part of something bigger than yourselves. You are each an important part of the whole, but none is greater than another. There should be no vying for position (which creates schisms and divisions), but rather all the members rejoicing together in the honor that comes to the Body through wholeness.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; Philippians 2:1-4
You are not your own. You were bought at a price; therefore glorify God because you have been baptized into one body with many members and just ONE Spirit. The body is not one member but many, and I have set each one of the members in the body just as I please. If the whole body were an eye, where would be the hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the smelling? Is one more important than another? Should one receive greater honor than another? What would happen if the heart decided to elevate itself above the brain? What would be the benefit for the brain to elevate itself above the lung? The body must work together as one; if one member suffers the whole body suffers.
You are the Body of Christ and members individually. Be of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for your own interests, but also for the interests of others. Consider that you are part of something bigger than yourselves. You are each an important part of the whole, but none is greater than another. There should be no vying for position (which creates schisms and divisions), but rather all the members rejoicing together in the honor that comes to the Body through wholeness.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; Philippians 2:1-4
Monday, July 11, 2011
Staying Current
Beloved Ones, I AM faithful even when you are not. It is My nature to be so, and My faithfulness endures to all generations. I AM trustworthy and reliable to work My goodness on your behalf. You can be at rest in that, but you must also understand that floating along in the “Lazy River” ultimately gets you nowhere. You will not progress in Me, but will merely go around in circles just as My people circled around in the wilderness for forty years. That is because this attitude is rooted in unbelief and fear.
True freedom is found by entering into the current of My Holy Spirit. Yes, sometimes the current is fast and the waters are deep, but it is by staying in the flow of My Spirit that you progress into your promised destiny.
Today if you hear My voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, for true rest is found in obedience. Be faithful as I AM faithful. Jump into the current of My Holy Spirit! The water is fine...and…I AM here to catch you.
1 Corinthians 1:9; Psalm 119:90; Hebrews 3:7-19; 2 Corinthians 3:17
True freedom is found by entering into the current of My Holy Spirit. Yes, sometimes the current is fast and the waters are deep, but it is by staying in the flow of My Spirit that you progress into your promised destiny.
Today if you hear My voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, for true rest is found in obedience. Be faithful as I AM faithful. Jump into the current of My Holy Spirit! The water is fine...and…I AM here to catch you.
1 Corinthians 1:9; Psalm 119:90; Hebrews 3:7-19; 2 Corinthians 3:17
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
First The Natural And Then The Spiritual
Beloved One, what happens in the natural is often a picture of what will be in the spiritual. What you have seen through the grass fires, unpredicted rainstorms, and powerful wind storms of late are mere whispers of what I AM doing.
Many have been in a dry season where the grass seems greener on the other side of the fence, but I AM telling you that I will consume all of the wood, hay, and stubble in your life with the fire of My Holy Spirit. Even what was green and seemed to be good will be removed so that My best can come forth in your life. Through the charred remains will arise new growth, new life, and new purpose.
The heavy rains are as My mercies that I send from Heaven to water the ground of your heart, to quench your parched dryness and to soften it so that the weeds are easily plucked up by the roots. This is a season to root out those things that would choke out Kingdom fruitfulness in your life. Receive My mercies for strengthening those good things.
The powerful wind of My Spirit is blowing to remove the chaff, the worthless things and to knock down the obstacles that hinder you from progressing into your destiny.
Sing with thanksgiving in your heart for this season of new growth, new life, and new purpose in Me.
1 Corinthians 15:45-49, 3:12-13; Psalm 130:7-8; Psalm 147:7-8
Many have been in a dry season where the grass seems greener on the other side of the fence, but I AM telling you that I will consume all of the wood, hay, and stubble in your life with the fire of My Holy Spirit. Even what was green and seemed to be good will be removed so that My best can come forth in your life. Through the charred remains will arise new growth, new life, and new purpose.
The heavy rains are as My mercies that I send from Heaven to water the ground of your heart, to quench your parched dryness and to soften it so that the weeds are easily plucked up by the roots. This is a season to root out those things that would choke out Kingdom fruitfulness in your life. Receive My mercies for strengthening those good things.
The powerful wind of My Spirit is blowing to remove the chaff, the worthless things and to knock down the obstacles that hinder you from progressing into your destiny.
Sing with thanksgiving in your heart for this season of new growth, new life, and new purpose in Me.
1 Corinthians 15:45-49, 3:12-13; Psalm 130:7-8; Psalm 147:7-8
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The Father's Day
Beloved Ones, this is the Father’s Day. It is My day and it is full of My glory. It is a new day and it is My gift to you. Every good and perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of Lights. This new day is a gift of My grace and is full of My grace. Because of My compassion for you and My lovingkindness towards you, there is grace enough for each new day. My tender mercies are new every morning and My goodness surely follows you all the days of your life.
I AM pouring out My grace on you to wash away the dust of the earth that gathers on you as you walk in this world. I AM pouring out My grace through you to wash away the failures and regrets of the past. Let go of regret…it is water under the bridge…it is behind you…it is gone.
This is a new day and there is much goodness still ahead for you. Receive My mercies, My grace, and My strength to walk in the newness and goodness of this new day…My gift to you.
James 1:17; Lamentations 3:22-23; Psalm 23:6; Psalm 51:1-2
I AM pouring out My grace on you to wash away the dust of the earth that gathers on you as you walk in this world. I AM pouring out My grace through you to wash away the failures and regrets of the past. Let go of regret…it is water under the bridge…it is behind you…it is gone.
This is a new day and there is much goodness still ahead for you. Receive My mercies, My grace, and My strength to walk in the newness and goodness of this new day…My gift to you.
James 1:17; Lamentations 3:22-23; Psalm 23:6; Psalm 51:1-2
Monday, June 13, 2011
Growing Season
Beloved Ones, You have been and still are in a “growing up season”. This growing up season requires diligence, faith, and patience in order to bear the mature fruit of My Kingdom Word that has been sown into you. You are also in a “growing out season”. This growing out season is the result of poor shortcuts that you have taken in the past. Think of a poor haircut and how it takes time to “grow out” before it can be correctly restored to its original design. Or think of how it can take time to get back on the correct course when you take a poor turn on the road when walking or driving.
YOU are changed in My sight at conversion, but walking out your divine design and bearing Kingdom fruit along the way is a process that takes time and has various seasons. This is a season of judgment in the sense of discerning the proper nurturing necessary to take you from the poor “shortcuts” of the past season that have resulted in less than desirable Kingdom fruitfulness and into the much more fruitfulness that I have for you. I AM the knowledgeable Husbandman who knows the right amount of sun, water, and nutrients for an abundant harvest of good fruit. I AM patient to do all that is necessary to bring that mature fruit to harvest in you. I will redeem all that concerns you. Trust My process by abiding in Me…dwelling in Me…going down deep in Me… and strengthening yourselves by My Word and My Spirit.
Just as the farmer must patiently wait for the precious fruit of His labor…patiently waiting through the long growing season…patiently waiting until it receives both the early and the latter rain, so too, you must establish your hearts in diligence, faith, and patience. This is My ordained process for growing a strong root within yourselves so that you do not wither away when the heat is turned up through tribulation or persecution.
James 5:7; Hebrews 6:11-12; Matthew 5-6, 20-21; John 15:16
YOU are changed in My sight at conversion, but walking out your divine design and bearing Kingdom fruit along the way is a process that takes time and has various seasons. This is a season of judgment in the sense of discerning the proper nurturing necessary to take you from the poor “shortcuts” of the past season that have resulted in less than desirable Kingdom fruitfulness and into the much more fruitfulness that I have for you. I AM the knowledgeable Husbandman who knows the right amount of sun, water, and nutrients for an abundant harvest of good fruit. I AM patient to do all that is necessary to bring that mature fruit to harvest in you. I will redeem all that concerns you. Trust My process by abiding in Me…dwelling in Me…going down deep in Me… and strengthening yourselves by My Word and My Spirit.
Just as the farmer must patiently wait for the precious fruit of His labor…patiently waiting through the long growing season…patiently waiting until it receives both the early and the latter rain, so too, you must establish your hearts in diligence, faith, and patience. This is My ordained process for growing a strong root within yourselves so that you do not wither away when the heat is turned up through tribulation or persecution.
James 5:7; Hebrews 6:11-12; Matthew 5-6, 20-21; John 15:16
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Created For Liveliness
Beloved Ones, there is a longing for the “lazy days of summer”, but My longing is for the “lively days of summer”. Not the busyness that comes from the works of the flesh…of planning, of programs, of striving, of toiling…these are the works of man which are dead works. It is My desire that the works of God come forth in your midst.
I AM stirring up the Kingdom of God which is in you. I AM stirring up the Kingdom of God to “liveliness”. Do you feel it? Do you sense My stirring in the spirit? Do you sense My stirring in the earth? Do you sense My stirring in you? Rise up in your spirit man to the “liveliness” of My Kingdom. You were created to be “lively stones” in My spiritual house. I have chosen you to be My “peculiar people” who manifest My praise in the earth. You are My own possession to obtain the establishment of My Kingdom in the earth.
My Kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit…not food and drink. Stop working and worrying about the things that can’t satisfy the Kingdom longings within you and start to ACT out of My promptings to make things right, to bring My peace, and to spread My joy. These are the things that are the markings of the liveliness of My Kingdom. By My Spirit you start with these…and then…no eye has yet seen, no ear has yet heard, no mind has yet imagined the liveliness of the Kingdom that I have prepared for you who love Me! Are you ready to stir yourselves up to liveliness in the spirit and write a new chapter in My Book of Acts?
John 9:3-4; Philippians 2:13; 1 Peter 2:5; Romans 14:17; 1 Corinthians 2:9
I AM stirring up the Kingdom of God which is in you. I AM stirring up the Kingdom of God to “liveliness”. Do you feel it? Do you sense My stirring in the spirit? Do you sense My stirring in the earth? Do you sense My stirring in you? Rise up in your spirit man to the “liveliness” of My Kingdom. You were created to be “lively stones” in My spiritual house. I have chosen you to be My “peculiar people” who manifest My praise in the earth. You are My own possession to obtain the establishment of My Kingdom in the earth.
My Kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit…not food and drink. Stop working and worrying about the things that can’t satisfy the Kingdom longings within you and start to ACT out of My promptings to make things right, to bring My peace, and to spread My joy. These are the things that are the markings of the liveliness of My Kingdom. By My Spirit you start with these…and then…no eye has yet seen, no ear has yet heard, no mind has yet imagined the liveliness of the Kingdom that I have prepared for you who love Me! Are you ready to stir yourselves up to liveliness in the spirit and write a new chapter in My Book of Acts?
John 9:3-4; Philippians 2:13; 1 Peter 2:5; Romans 14:17; 1 Corinthians 2:9
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Heavenly Wisdom
Beloved Ones, there are many who do what is right in their own sight, but I have called you to come up to a higher realm of truth. I have called you to walk by faith, NOT by sight. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing is by the Word of God.
My sound goes out into all the earth and My Word to the ends of the world. Who will believe My report? Do not become dull of hearing. Do not be deceived by human wisdom. The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. I know the thoughts of the wise, and they are vain. I desire that no man glories in men and that no flesh glories in My presence. I love to confound the wise of this world by choosing what the world considers to be foolish.
Heavenly wisdom is yours for the asking; but ask in faith, nothing wavering. It is time to let go of double-mindedness and renew your hope in the things of God that are not seen. It’s time to step up into My higher realm of truth. I will light the path for you with My Word…but it will require faith to act on it. I AM with you the whole way. I AM the way, the truth, and the life. I AM the wisdom of God for you and you are Mine. Allow My Word to stir up the substance of your faith for the unseen things of hope and receive the mind of Christ to believe that I AM able to fulfill My Word of truth.
2 Corinthians 5:7; Romans 10:16-18; 1 Corinthians 1:27-31, 3:18-23; James 1:5-6
My sound goes out into all the earth and My Word to the ends of the world. Who will believe My report? Do not become dull of hearing. Do not be deceived by human wisdom. The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. I know the thoughts of the wise, and they are vain. I desire that no man glories in men and that no flesh glories in My presence. I love to confound the wise of this world by choosing what the world considers to be foolish.
Heavenly wisdom is yours for the asking; but ask in faith, nothing wavering. It is time to let go of double-mindedness and renew your hope in the things of God that are not seen. It’s time to step up into My higher realm of truth. I will light the path for you with My Word…but it will require faith to act on it. I AM with you the whole way. I AM the way, the truth, and the life. I AM the wisdom of God for you and you are Mine. Allow My Word to stir up the substance of your faith for the unseen things of hope and receive the mind of Christ to believe that I AM able to fulfill My Word of truth.
2 Corinthians 5:7; Romans 10:16-18; 1 Corinthians 1:27-31, 3:18-23; James 1:5-6
Sunday, April 24, 2011
The Truth About Emptiness
Beloved Ones, take off the shame of emptiness. This shame is rooted in the mindset that emptiness is the end of all things. The truth is that emptiness is the beginning of Kingdom things. Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Have you not heard that in the beginning of creation the earth was void? It was into this large EMPTY space that I choose to fill with Kingdom creation. Have you not heard that Elisha told the widow to go and collect EMPTY vessels from her neighbors? It was into many EMPTY vessels that I choose to fill with Kingdom provision. Have you not heard that Jesus emptied himself to come in the likeness of men? It was into My EMPTY Son that I choose to fill with Kingdom destiny. Have you not heard that the tomb was EMPTY? It was into this EMPTY place that I choose to bring Kingdom power…the resurrection power of the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Do not despise your emptiness. Come to Me in your emptiness and I will satisfy you. Let your soul delight itself in My abundance! Come to Me as an EMPTY vessel and I will fill you with My Kingdom creation, My Kingdom provision, My Kingdom destiny, and My Kingdom power! Yes…Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for THEIRS is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are you when you’re EMPTY…when you are at the end of all things, because that is where the Kingdom comes!
Matthew 5:3; Genesis 1:1-3; 2 Kings 4:3; Philippians 2:7; John 20:1-9; Isaiah 55:1-3
Have you not heard that in the beginning of creation the earth was void? It was into this large EMPTY space that I choose to fill with Kingdom creation. Have you not heard that Elisha told the widow to go and collect EMPTY vessels from her neighbors? It was into many EMPTY vessels that I choose to fill with Kingdom provision. Have you not heard that Jesus emptied himself to come in the likeness of men? It was into My EMPTY Son that I choose to fill with Kingdom destiny. Have you not heard that the tomb was EMPTY? It was into this EMPTY place that I choose to bring Kingdom power…the resurrection power of the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Do not despise your emptiness. Come to Me in your emptiness and I will satisfy you. Let your soul delight itself in My abundance! Come to Me as an EMPTY vessel and I will fill you with My Kingdom creation, My Kingdom provision, My Kingdom destiny, and My Kingdom power! Yes…Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for THEIRS is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are you when you’re EMPTY…when you are at the end of all things, because that is where the Kingdom comes!
Matthew 5:3; Genesis 1:1-3; 2 Kings 4:3; Philippians 2:7; John 20:1-9; Isaiah 55:1-3
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Your Crown
Beloved Ones, It is for freedom that I have made you free…free to BE who you are created to be; free to fully occupy your God given, divinely inspired identity; free to walk with your head held high into your joy-filled destiny!
You are no longer bound under the false identity of the supplanter whose intent has been to trip you up and overthrow your true identity. You are a child of GOD; you are a child of the King of Kings. You are one who is called to reign with God over all of creation.
I have come to give you a crown of righteousness…to make all that concerns you right again. I have come to give you a crown of life…to resurrect the dead things and renew your hope in glory.
You are those who have struggled with God and men and you have prevailed! Hold fast to what you have, that no one may take your crown! Take your place of authority and reign with Me over ALL of your territory. Freely and fully occupy your God given destiny and stand fast in your God given liberty!
Galatians 5:1; 2 Timothy 4:8; Genesis 32:22-30; Revelation 3:11
You are no longer bound under the false identity of the supplanter whose intent has been to trip you up and overthrow your true identity. You are a child of GOD; you are a child of the King of Kings. You are one who is called to reign with God over all of creation.
I have come to give you a crown of righteousness…to make all that concerns you right again. I have come to give you a crown of life…to resurrect the dead things and renew your hope in glory.
You are those who have struggled with God and men and you have prevailed! Hold fast to what you have, that no one may take your crown! Take your place of authority and reign with Me over ALL of your territory. Freely and fully occupy your God given destiny and stand fast in your God given liberty!
Galatians 5:1; 2 Timothy 4:8; Genesis 32:22-30; Revelation 3:11
Friday, March 25, 2011
Daylight Savings Time
Beloved Ones, this is the appointed season of Daylight Savings Time. This is the season for My church to “spring forward” in Kingdom purpose. These are the days of increased and extended grace.
Darkness is increasing in the earth, but where sin abounds, grace abounds much more. You are not in darkness. You are all children of light and children of the day. You have no part in the night and the darkness. Don’t sleep, as others do, but rather watch and be sober. Those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night.
My light has shined upon you. The glory of the Lord has risen upon you. I AM extending the daytime in this season for savings. This is an extended time of light for salvations. This is an extended time of grace for Kingdom work to be done. Let those of you who are of the day be sober and put on faith, love, and hope for this is the appointed time for daylight savings.
Romans 5:20-21; Ephesians 5:8; I Thessalonians 5:1-9; Isaiah 9:2, 60:1-3
Darkness is increasing in the earth, but where sin abounds, grace abounds much more. You are not in darkness. You are all children of light and children of the day. You have no part in the night and the darkness. Don’t sleep, as others do, but rather watch and be sober. Those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night.
My light has shined upon you. The glory of the Lord has risen upon you. I AM extending the daytime in this season for savings. This is an extended time of light for salvations. This is an extended time of grace for Kingdom work to be done. Let those of you who are of the day be sober and put on faith, love, and hope for this is the appointed time for daylight savings.
Romans 5:20-21; Ephesians 5:8; I Thessalonians 5:1-9; Isaiah 9:2, 60:1-3
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
I AM a God of mercy. Mercy belongs to Me. I love mercy. I look for places in which to pour out My mercy. I give mercy cheerfully, joyfully, and generously.
Mercy, by its very definition, requires a place of misery and distress in order for it to light. My mercy lasts forever, tolerates the disagreeable things, and never gives up. It is redemptive and restorative, bringing My Kingdom into the Earth. Do not despise your broken places for it is only brokenness that has a need for mercy and can receive of it. Where mercy and truth come together, righteousness and peace are brought forth.
It is because of My great love for you that I AM rich in mercy. Those who are Mine are called to be merciful also. Keep yourselves in the love of God and look for the mercy of Jesus Christ continually…for yourselves…and for others.
Psalm 62:11-12, 85:10-12, 136:1; Ephesians 2:4-7; James 2:12; Jude 21
Mercy, by its very definition, requires a place of misery and distress in order for it to light. My mercy lasts forever, tolerates the disagreeable things, and never gives up. It is redemptive and restorative, bringing My Kingdom into the Earth. Do not despise your broken places for it is only brokenness that has a need for mercy and can receive of it. Where mercy and truth come together, righteousness and peace are brought forth.
It is because of My great love for you that I AM rich in mercy. Those who are Mine are called to be merciful also. Keep yourselves in the love of God and look for the mercy of Jesus Christ continually…for yourselves…and for others.
Psalm 62:11-12, 85:10-12, 136:1; Ephesians 2:4-7; James 2:12; Jude 21
Friday, February 11, 2011
My Voice
Beloved Ones, do you hear My sound in the earth? It is the sound of My voice. Can you put aside the noise of your busyness to hear Me? I AM always speaking.
I thunder marvelously with My voice to do great things which you cannot comprehend. My sound goes throughout the earth to declare My glory and accomplish My purpose. The God of glory thunders from the heavens. My voice is mighty in power and full of magnificence. My voice rules over the earth and stirs up the flames of fire. You say that you want the fire of My Spirit to be fanned in the earth, but will you hear it? If you will not hear and obey the delicate whispers of My voice, you will not heed the sound of My thundering either. Now is the time to train the ear of your heart to be quiet and listen for I AM always speaking and My voice is mighty in power.
Ezekiel 10:5; Job 37:1-7; Psalm 19:1-4, 29:3-9; 1 Kings 19:11-13
I thunder marvelously with My voice to do great things which you cannot comprehend. My sound goes throughout the earth to declare My glory and accomplish My purpose. The God of glory thunders from the heavens. My voice is mighty in power and full of magnificence. My voice rules over the earth and stirs up the flames of fire. You say that you want the fire of My Spirit to be fanned in the earth, but will you hear it? If you will not hear and obey the delicate whispers of My voice, you will not heed the sound of My thundering either. Now is the time to train the ear of your heart to be quiet and listen for I AM always speaking and My voice is mighty in power.
Ezekiel 10:5; Job 37:1-7; Psalm 19:1-4, 29:3-9; 1 Kings 19:11-13
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
I Will Do It
Beloved Ones, I send My word into the earth to water it and to bring life. It will accomplish My desire and achieve My purpose for which I sent it. I AM God and not a man, that I should lie. If I said it, I will do it. You can trust My words to be true because My character is true. My nature is truth and I cannot be anything other than truth. I will make good on My promises. You may not know when, you may not know where, you may not know how…but you can know that My word will not fail. I declare the end from the beginning. My word stands and I will do all My pleasure. If I said it, I will do it!
Isaiah 55:10-11, 46:10, 48:3; Numbers 23:19; 1 Kings 8:56
Isaiah 55:10-11, 46:10, 48:3; Numbers 23:19; 1 Kings 8:56
Friday, February 4, 2011
My Rainbow of Remembrance
Beloved Ones, I want to remind you of the symbol of My rainbow because it represents my glory, My covenant promises in the earth, and the powerful authority of My rule in truth and beauty.
I want to remind you that “I set My rainbow in the cloud”. I have declared that, “When I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud”. I have placed My rainbow OVER the earth because My covenant love and promise of glory rules OVER the happenings on earth in truth and beauty. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”
What you cannot see because of the clouds, you can still hope for because of My covenant love and promise of glory. Let the remembrance of My rainbow be a reminder to you that I AM the Sovereign God and I do still rule in the kingdom of men.
Ezekiel 1:28; Genesis 9:13-17; Revelation 4:2-3; Isaiah 55:9; Daniel 4:17
I want to remind you that “I set My rainbow in the cloud”. I have declared that, “When I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud”. I have placed My rainbow OVER the earth because My covenant love and promise of glory rules OVER the happenings on earth in truth and beauty. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”
What you cannot see because of the clouds, you can still hope for because of My covenant love and promise of glory. Let the remembrance of My rainbow be a reminder to you that I AM the Sovereign God and I do still rule in the kingdom of men.
Ezekiel 1:28; Genesis 9:13-17; Revelation 4:2-3; Isaiah 55:9; Daniel 4:17
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Faith, Hope, and Life!
Beloved Ones, faith is the confidence in what you hope for and assurance about what you do not see. It is by your faith that you obtain a good testimony…a demonstration of and commendation for what you have believed. It is in the life of faith that I desire to reveal to you the riches of My hidden mysteries, My hidden truths…the riches of My glory.
I AM the God of resurrection power who brings dead things to life. When you have come to the end of yourselves; when you have come to the end of your hope in anything else but Me, then I will breathe on those dead things and they will live again. I AM, Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Hebrews 11:1-2; Colossians 1:24-27; Romans 8:10-11
I AM the God of resurrection power who brings dead things to life. When you have come to the end of yourselves; when you have come to the end of your hope in anything else but Me, then I will breathe on those dead things and they will live again. I AM, Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Hebrews 11:1-2; Colossians 1:24-27; Romans 8:10-11
Sunday, January 16, 2011
The Beating Bass of Brokenness
*During worship I saw upside-down musical notes going by on a bass staff. There were only bass notes, no melody, and I could hear the sound of the bass loudly pounding throughout the song with only pieces of the melody coming through in the distance very infrequently.
The Lord says, “I AM speaking to those who are brokenhearted…those who can only hear the bass notes and feel the pounding thump of the drumming bass overpowering them…those who can no longer sing or even hear the melody of the song of life. I AM near to the brokenhearted. I AM not calling you to try to climb the heights or sing the melody or even to try to keep up with the pace of the pounding bass notes.
I AM calling you to prostrate yourself at My feet and to feel the vibrations of the beating bass because My heartbeat is aligning with it to draw near to your brokenness. I AM near to those who have a broken heart, and I save those with a contrite spirit.
Feel the beat of My heart and let Me restore your song.
Psalm 34:18
The Lord says, “I AM speaking to those who are brokenhearted…those who can only hear the bass notes and feel the pounding thump of the drumming bass overpowering them…those who can no longer sing or even hear the melody of the song of life. I AM near to the brokenhearted. I AM not calling you to try to climb the heights or sing the melody or even to try to keep up with the pace of the pounding bass notes.
I AM calling you to prostrate yourself at My feet and to feel the vibrations of the beating bass because My heartbeat is aligning with it to draw near to your brokenness. I AM near to those who have a broken heart, and I save those with a contrite spirit.
Feel the beat of My heart and let Me restore your song.
Psalm 34:18
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Accessible Inheritance
Beloved Ones, for those who are willing to put away childish things and move on into maturity, 2011 will be a year of transitioning into your prophetic destiny.
An inheritance is put into trust for a child until he comes into maturity. He has legal rights to it, but limited accessibility.
It is time to stop cowering under the cover of worldly things and to stand upright in Me. It is time to leave the things of your earthly father’s house and come to take possession of the things that belong to your heavenly Father’s house. Leave behind your earthly and childish fears and loves to come into oneness with your Betrothed of Heaven.
No longer will you be called “Much-Afraid”, for I AM changing your name to “Braveheart”. You will rise above the fears that have kept you bound and you will walk in the freedom of one who knows who he is and Whose he is. You will face your enemy and plunder him because you possess the full and free access to your inheritance in Me.
Rise up, Bravehearts, and stand upright in and beside the One who is your betrothed Beloved and your prophetic destiny!
1 Corinthians 13:11; 1 Peter 1:3-5; Isaiah 62:2-5; Romans 8:19-21; 2 Corinthians 11:2
An inheritance is put into trust for a child until he comes into maturity. He has legal rights to it, but limited accessibility.
It is time to stop cowering under the cover of worldly things and to stand upright in Me. It is time to leave the things of your earthly father’s house and come to take possession of the things that belong to your heavenly Father’s house. Leave behind your earthly and childish fears and loves to come into oneness with your Betrothed of Heaven.
No longer will you be called “Much-Afraid”, for I AM changing your name to “Braveheart”. You will rise above the fears that have kept you bound and you will walk in the freedom of one who knows who he is and Whose he is. You will face your enemy and plunder him because you possess the full and free access to your inheritance in Me.
Rise up, Bravehearts, and stand upright in and beside the One who is your betrothed Beloved and your prophetic destiny!
1 Corinthians 13:11; 1 Peter 1:3-5; Isaiah 62:2-5; Romans 8:19-21; 2 Corinthians 11:2
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Shaking, Quaking, and Breaking Ground
Beloved Ones, I have told you that there is a shift that is happening in the heavenlies and that I AM bringing breakthrough. This heavenly shift will cause a shift in the earth which will “break ground” for a new season of Kingdom building. I have also told you that it may not look like you expect it to look because I AM doing a new thing in this new season. The ground breaking that is coming will look more like an earthquake in the natural with all the markings of shaking, quaking, and breaking open “false” foundations. I AM shaking those things which can be shaken so that only those things which cannot be shaken remain.
It is imperative that you make sure that you are standing on the One who is the “Rock” and not on clay (the things of man), sand (things that are unstable because of the weathering and decomposition effects of time) or other earthly things. It is also essential that you have a life that is in accordance with being a DOER of My word and not a hearer only. Those who are hearers only and not doers of the word are self-deceived.
The storms are coming…the rains will descend, the floods will come, and the winds will blow. Things will be shaken and earthly foundations will be broken open, causing rifts and divisions between those who are solid in Me and those who are not. Those who give lip service to “unity” and “oneness” and “peace” apart from true unity in Me, oneness with Me, and the genuine peace that only comes from My abiding righteousness will be unable to maintain the facades that have allowed them to keep their illusions intact. Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth…I did not come to bring peace but a sword…the sword of the Spirit which is My word and separates between soul and spirit…which discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart. Soulish things must be cut away in this season so that the things of the spirit will grow strong and remain. Do not settle for the false peace that the world gives…you will not be able to stand on it in the day of trouble. I AM separating to Myself those who are being sanctified into My holiness by My Holy Spirit in obedience to My word. And so, let those who think they stand pay attention so that they do not fall.
Hebrews 12:25-26, 4:11-13; 1 Corinthians 10:12; Matthew 7:24-27, 10:34; James 1:22-24; Romans 8:12-14
It is imperative that you make sure that you are standing on the One who is the “Rock” and not on clay (the things of man), sand (things that are unstable because of the weathering and decomposition effects of time) or other earthly things. It is also essential that you have a life that is in accordance with being a DOER of My word and not a hearer only. Those who are hearers only and not doers of the word are self-deceived.
The storms are coming…the rains will descend, the floods will come, and the winds will blow. Things will be shaken and earthly foundations will be broken open, causing rifts and divisions between those who are solid in Me and those who are not. Those who give lip service to “unity” and “oneness” and “peace” apart from true unity in Me, oneness with Me, and the genuine peace that only comes from My abiding righteousness will be unable to maintain the facades that have allowed them to keep their illusions intact. Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth…I did not come to bring peace but a sword…the sword of the Spirit which is My word and separates between soul and spirit…which discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart. Soulish things must be cut away in this season so that the things of the spirit will grow strong and remain. Do not settle for the false peace that the world gives…you will not be able to stand on it in the day of trouble. I AM separating to Myself those who are being sanctified into My holiness by My Holy Spirit in obedience to My word. And so, let those who think they stand pay attention so that they do not fall.
Hebrews 12:25-26, 4:11-13; 1 Corinthians 10:12; Matthew 7:24-27, 10:34; James 1:22-24; Romans 8:12-14
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