Beloved Ones, there are many who do what is right in their own sight, but I have called you to come up to a higher realm of truth. I have called you to walk by faith, NOT by sight. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing is by the Word of God.
My sound goes out into all the earth and My Word to the ends of the world. Who will believe My report? Do not become dull of hearing. Do not be deceived by human wisdom. The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. I know the thoughts of the wise, and they are vain. I desire that no man glories in men and that no flesh glories in My presence. I love to confound the wise of this world by choosing what the world considers to be foolish.
Heavenly wisdom is yours for the asking; but ask in faith, nothing wavering. It is time to let go of double-mindedness and renew your hope in the things of God that are not seen. It’s time to step up into My higher realm of truth. I will light the path for you with My Word…but it will require faith to act on it. I AM with you the whole way. I AM the way, the truth, and the life. I AM the wisdom of God for you and you are Mine. Allow My Word to stir up the substance of your faith for the unseen things of hope and receive the mind of Christ to believe that I AM able to fulfill My Word of truth.
2 Corinthians 5:7; Romans 10:16-18; 1 Corinthians 1:27-31, 3:18-23; James 1:5-6