Beloved Ones, this is the beginning of a new year by My spiritual calendar. It is a time to come to Me for an accurate assessment of yourself. There are old things that have an expiration date in the past that need to be let go of in order to make room for embracing the new things of the current and coming seasons. This is a time for getting your personal house in order…the physical house of your body, the physical house of your home, the physical house of your relationships, the physical house of your business, and the physical house of your ministry so that your spiritual house will come into alignment with My Kingdom flow and all of the fullness that I intend for you.
I have set certain laws in place from which to operate in the earth. There are laws of nature that are binding forces and principles within which life flows, parameters through which the natural and the spiritual function…or don’t function. What is sown in the natural will be reaped in the spiritual as well; first the natural and then the spiritual. The spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual.
Those who will receive My truthful assessment and come into alignment with Me will be those who will be positioned to receive, contain, and disperse the flow of My Kingdom in this season. They will become the new wineskins that will receive, contain, and disperse the new wine of My Spirit. I cannot put the new wine into the old wineskins because they are not able to contain it without bursting…the wine will be spilled out useless and the wineskins will be ruined. I desire to make you into newly suitable vessels for My glorious Kingdom purposes.
My Kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Through aligning yourselves with My true assessment you will be those who make things right, who move in peace, and who are motivated by joy.
1 Corinthians 15:46; Isaiah 43:18-21; Matthew 9:16-17; Romans 14:17