Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Sword of My Mouth

Those who look to Me will see that there is a sharp two-edged sword in my mouth.  It is My Word that I AM speaking to you who are My people.  My Word is living and powerful and sharp enough to separate and divide the soul from the spirit.  My Word discerns between your thoughts and the motives of your heart.

The purpose of My Word to you in this season is to reveal the hidden motives of your heart.  Your thoughts are not My thoughts.  My ways are not your ways.  Man looks at the outward things, but I look at the heart.  Doing the “right” thing in the eyes of man, but for the wrong reason will ultimately be just as futile as doing the wrong thing.  Self-seeking and envy are at the root of many so called “good” works. These works are dead works that stem from a religious spirit of performance.  This brings confusion into things rather than clarity and builds a kingdom that will not stand the storms that are coming.  Only those things that are born out of intimacy with Me by the Holy Spirit produce works that last, having the essence of My nature and eternal life in them. 

This severing work is not the painful incision of a scalpel, but rather, the swift and liberating slicing of My sword to the things that have kept you bound up, tethered to an earthly evaluation of things.  Where My Spirit is the motivator of your heart there is true freedom.  This freedom will cause you to rise up to My perspective, thoughts, and ways.  From My perspective there is clarity, strength to stand the storms, and lasting Kingdom fruit. 

Revelation1:16; Hebrews 4:12; 1 Samuel 16:7; James 2:14

Knowledge and Life

The old adage that what you don’t know won’t hurt you is a fallacy.  The truth is that my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.  Knowing Me by continually experiencing My Presence and feeding on My Word is the only way to all that is life-giving.  Even those of My people who are honorable become famished apart from Me and multitudes are dried up with thirst.
Continuing in My Presence is essential to experiencing the satisfaction of a restored soul on a daily basis.  As you stay close to Me, experientially knowing Me by My Spirit, hearing and obeying My Word, you will be nourished by the green pastures and restful waters that I have provided for the care of your soul.  This is how you know Me as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
The Kingdom of Heaven is not far off, it is very near, it is within you.  Tend to your inner life and your outer life will come into alignment with the knowledge of the Holy One...the One Who is Truth and Life.  Seek first My Kingdom and My righteousness and everything else will be taken care of as well.  My Presence is full of life-giving abundance.  It is only as you know and experience My Presence that you find the way of abundant life and avoid the  paths of destruction.

Hosea 3:6; Isaiah 5:13; Psalm 23:1-3; Luke 17:20-21  

Sunday, October 7, 2012

A "Back To The Future" Word

This is a "Back To The Future" kind of season.  By this I mean that sometimes it is necessary to go backward before you can go forward.  There are pathways that have been obstructed because of certain things that have happened in your past.  History cannot be changed, but I  have released a redemptive grace for new pathways to be created at the point of hindrance in the areas of broken relationships, lost dreams, missed opportunities, failed health, and much, much more.
Let faith rise up so that when I bring that person, dream, or opportunity from the past into your present reality that you will recognize it as the point of redemption.  Be renewed in hope and act on the truth of My love.
The wormhole that I provide will not remain open for very long so you must prepare yourself now to be ready to access it by faith in that moment.
Renew your mind to the truth that I AM creating a NEW pathway with a DIFFERENT outcome than you have previously experienced.  You cannot change your past, but changing your response in the present will propel you to a new place in the future...a different place...a place of redemption by grace.

Titus 2:11-14; Psalm 107:1-2; Isaiah 35; Luke 1:68-75

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Glory, The Perfection of Unity With Me

Perfection is not established through effort.  Perfection is infused through the lifeblood of the Creator, the One Who is Perfection…the Perfection of Beauty…the Perfection of Holiness…the Perfection of Love.  Staying connected to Me is the lifeline of all that is good, desirable, lasting, and perfect.  This lifeline is the Word of Life, the very essence of eternal life…life that is ever flowing and endless in nature.  That is why staying connected to Me by the power of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, is vital.  It is this ongoing fellowship of Me in you and the Father in Me which makes you perfect in oneness through the bond of love.
When you put on love, you put on the bond of perfection because I AM Love.  Love is life-giving because its source is God, the One Who is the essence of eternal life.  As you know and believe the love that I have for you, you dwell in Me and I in you.  As you love others, My love is perfected in you and you become an empowered witness of eternal life.  This mystery of oneness with the Father through Me…of a life hidden in Christ through the bond of love is the perfection of My glory in the earth.
John 15:5, 17:22-23; 1 John 1:2-3, 4:12-16; Colossians 1:27, 3:14

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Revitalization and Progress

Progress, not perfection is the goal.  Each moment holds a measure of potential.  Energy directed towards a goal potentiates the effectiveness of a particular work in progress.
Maximized energy with focused aim accomplishes more than diffused and distracted effort.  Narrow your focus to the chosen path, minimizing diversions that draw you away from Me.  I AM your life-source.  Everything else depletes your resources of energy and drains life from your being.  Revitalization is a continuous process as you stay connected to Me, the One Who is Life, by walking in the Spirit.  I AM with you to revitalize, energize, maximize, and potentiate your effectiveness as you make Me the focus of every labor of love.
You were created for good works which I prepared for you to walk in even before you were born.  You were hand-picked, chosen by Me to bear fruit that is lasting…remaining for all eternity.  Focus your energies towards that goal as worship to Me.
Ephesians 2:10; John 15:16; Romans 12:1-2

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Beautification of the Bride

You are My Bride.  I have chosen you for all eternity.  I love you with an everlasting love.  I nourish and cherish you as My own flesh.  I set you apart to Myself and cleanse you by the washing of My blood, My Word, and My Holy Spirit.
I will have a Bride that is glorious…without spot, blemish, or wrinkle.  As you yield to this washing with My blood, My Word, and My Spirit, the spot of sin is removed, the blemish of immaturity gives way to the age of wisdom, and the wrinkle of bulging excess rooted in the fear of unfulfilled worldly desires melts away in the contented satisfaction of My all-sufficient Presence.
My Bride has come to the fullness of age.  It is time for her to make herself ready for her Bridegroom.  My desire is for you!  I yearn for the marriage supper.  I AM the lover of your soul.  Will you join with My blood, My Word, and My Spirit to prepare yourself in this glorious beautification of the Bride for her long-desirous Bridegroom?  As you do, My Bride becomes fit for her King.
John 15:16; Jeremiah 31:3; Ephesians 5:22-32

Monday, July 23, 2012

Broken Hearts and Crushed Spirits

I AM near to those who are brokenhearted and I save those who are crushed in spirit.  Call upon Me because I AM near to all of those who call upon Me in truth.  I will hear your cry and save you.  I fulfill the desire of those who fear Me and preserve all who love Me.
Bring to Me your broken heart and your crushed spirit; they are sacrifices that I will not despise.  They are a fragrant offering that is pleasing to Me because it says that you believe that I AM a good and loving Father.  I AM righteous and there is healing in My wings.  I will revive the spirit of the humble, and revive the heart of the broken or crushed ones who put their faith in Me.  You are not forsaken or forgotten.  I AM here to wipe away the tears from your face.  Bring to Me your broken heart and bring to Me your crushed spirit.  I will heal and restore you because My compassions never fail and My mercies are new everyday.  I AM good to all and My loving kindness is over all of My works to do you good.
Psalm 34:17-18, 51:17, 145:17-20, 89; Isaiah 57:17

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Which Way?

There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end of that way is death.  I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No one comes into the way of true life except through Me.
Don’t be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from wrong doing.  It will be health to your flesh…your body and soul, and strength to your bones…the framework of what holds that life together.  Don’t be wise in your own opinion, thinking that what you think that you know is true and sure.  The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but the one who seeks and does the godly counsel from the Holy Spirit is the wise person.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowing Me as the Holy One…the One who is true, righteous, just, and all goodness will give you understanding.  It is by Me that your days will be multiplied, and years of life will be added to you.
If you are wise, you reap the benefits of wisdom for yourself, and if you scoff at My truth, you alone will bear the consequences of an arrogant, mocking attitude.  I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  If you love Me and love the truth of My Word enough to do it by the power of the Holy Spirit who is in you, then you will find the path of life.

Proverbs 3:7-8, 9:10-12, 12:15, 14:12; John 14:6; Romans 12:16

Monday, July 16, 2012

Yokes and Burdens

Beloved Ones, come to Me.  Come and bring your burden with you.  You were never meant to carry heavy burdens.  You were created to carry joy.  Come and stand beside Me.  I AM the Anointed One and I break the heavy yoke and lift your burden.  I will give you rest.  Come stand beside Me and walk with Me.  I AM gentle and humble.  Learn from Me and you will find rest for your soul.  My yoke is easy and not oppressive.  My burden is light and not heavy.
I have broken the rod of the oppressor, his rule, his yoke, and his burdensome demands.  Do not take them upon yourself again.  Walk with Me and you will find joy.  There is joy in My Presence, fullness of joy as I show you the path to abundant life.  My Kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.  I will show you what is truly right, bring you into the unshakable wholeness of My peace, and fill you will joy unspeakable.  The joy of the Kingdom is your inheritance.  I AM your portion and your cup.  I uphold you and increase your joy according to the increase of the Kingdom harvest, as men rejoice when they divide the spoils of war and the plunder of the enemy.
Come to Me.  Stop laboring under that heavy burden.  I have freed you from that so that you can walk with Me in joy!
Matthew 11:28-30; Isaiah 9:3-4; Psalm 16:7-11

Monday, July 2, 2012

No Condemnation

Beloved Ones, are you again experiencing the rise of an old besetting sin? Condemnation is not from Me. Condemnation is a ploy of the enemy to acquire ownership of the property of your heart and life for his own public purpose under the right of eminent domain.  But for those who are Mine, there is no more condemnation for those who do not walk according to their flesh but according to the Spirit of Christ who is in you.  Christ in you is your hope of glory.  If your heart condemns you, then KNOW that God is greater than your heart.
What the enemy intends for evil, I intend for good.  The sin that is rising to the surface is evidence of places in your heart and things in your life that you love more than you love Me.  Worship is bowing the heart and life to serve what you love.  You give strength and power to what you worship.  Besetting sins reveal places where the flesh has tried to rule the loves of the flesh.  Satan cannot cast out Satan.  Instead, he keeps you captive to your flesh and your sin.  Do not despise the flesh that you see because whatever makes manifest is light.  Instead, learn to hate the sin and turn to Me.  In turning to Christ, the veil (hindrance) of the flesh is removed.  The law (rule) of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus frees you from the law (rule) of the flesh which is sin and death.  Because of the grace of God to you and the power of that grace in you by the Holy Spirit of the resurrected Christ, you can experience the victorious life, too.
Set your mind on the things of the Spirit to live according to the Spirit.  The law (rule) of the Spirit of life in Christ is activated by loving the truth (and the One Who is Truth) enough to become skilled in the Word of Truth which is righteousness.  This does not mean speaking out empty words of victory into the air.  Rather, it means continually practicing the exercising of discerning good and evil by sharpening the sword of the spirit which is the living and powerful Word of God to you and then making that Word flesh in you (by being a doer of the Word).  The Spirit and the Word are the two edges of the sword which is powerful to separate the soul from the spirit of a man, discerning even to the thoughts and intents of the heart.  I have given you this powerful two edged sword NOT to wave in the air at the enemy, but to hand back to Me as an instrument of worship (weapon of warfare), allowing Me to destroy the works of the devil by surgically removing the soulish flesh of your heart.  This circumcision of the heart releases your spirit man to rise up in My victorious freedom and life.
When you love Me more than you love your sin, your shackles will fall off!  Only a free man can set a captive free.  The cost of freedom is life in the flesh. Where your heart is hard and unwilling, I AM here to help you in your weakness.  Call to Me and believe in Me.  My powerful grace is sufficient for you to live in freedom from sin.
Romans 8:1-14; 1 John 3:18-20; Hebrews 4:14-5:14; Mark 3:23-29

Monday, April 30, 2012

Transforming Presence

Beloved Ones, do not remember the former things because yesterday is past and cannot be changed.  Do not worry about tomorrow because today’s troubles are enough for you to overcome and tomorrow will have its own troubles.  My name is “I AM”, not “I WAS” or “I WILL BE” because I AM with you in the present to help you overcome.
Your life is made up of moments.  As you come to Me and give Me your mind, will, and emotions in each moment you will experience the “exchanged life” of Christ…My abundantly rich spiritual life, full of resurrection power in exchange for your natural life with all of its troubles, weakness, and failures.  As you come to Me, believing in My Presence with you, looking to Me in each moment for your life then you are transformed from glory to glory.  Each moment that you look TO Me is another step in the transformation process of looking LIKE Me.  Today if you hear My voice, do not harden your hearts as rebellious Israel did in the wilderness, but rather, know that I AM with you to help you.  Present your life to Me moment by moment as spiritual worship.  Present your mind, will, and emotions to Me in your moments today and live a life of transformation.
Isaiah 43:18; Matthew 6:4; Exodus 3:14-15; Hebrews 3:7-8

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Beloved Ones, the enemy has given his Central Intelligence Agents an assignment to stir up chaos, irritation, and anger through external circumstances. His intent is to negatively influence your relationship with Me and others close to you in a way that takes you out of alignment with the Kingdom purpose and fruitfulness that I have for you in this season. Distraction has always been a valuable scheme of the enemy in order to make an inroad for setting up strongholds. Do not fall prey to his schemes, but rather watch and pray so that you do not fall into temptation.
Your counterintelligence mission is to center yourself internally by My Holy Spirit, lifting up your eyes to see Me as your help, for I AM not the author of disorder but of peace. I will give you the understanding you need to move in the opposite spirit of Christly order, internal peace, and amity towards others. Being centered in the peace which passes all human understanding will expose the enemy for what he is and diffuse his plots. Being strengthened by My Spirit of understanding will empower you to press in to Me and press on for the Kingdom purpose and fruitfulness that I have for you. Trust in Me. Keeping your mind fixed on Me is the key to remaining in My peace. The steadfastness of your faith in Christ is what will cause you to stay the course in this tumultuous time. Give no ground to the enemy, but rather, contend with him by My Spirit. I AM with you!

Isaiah 11:1-2, 26:3; 1 Corinthians 14:33; Colossians 2:5; Ephesians 4:27

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Double Grace

Beloved Ones, this is a season of a double portion of My grace for those who will humble themselves to come to Me. This grace will be empowerment for you to step into those things that I have called you to be and to do. In these days, I AM working FAST to perfect that which concerns you and that which will propel you into your God-given destiny. It is a season of acceleration and activity in the spiritual realm which will manifest in the natural as well. Those who come into alignment with My will and purposes will be in the flow of heavenly energy for the release of the Kingdom through My righteous authority and anointing.
It is yet the early morning hours before “noon” prophetically speaking of the times and seasons. What I mean by this is that the highest, brightest, and finest hour of My Kingdom in the earth is yet to come. I AM working FAST in these days so that the dawn of My Light increases as the enemy’s darkness increases. I AM increasing vision to My people so that you can write the vision plainly on the tablets of your hearts and others may run with it.
Mountains will be removed with shouts of, “Grace, grace!” as Jesus comes into His proper place in My church. Worldliness will be put off as humility is put on. What could not be accomplished in natural strength will be accomplished by My Spirit as the supernatural comes forth with greater consistency. As My people draw near and submit themselves to My Word, faith will increase and what is believed (in the true sense of the word as by living from faith to faith) will then be seen.
James 4:1-10; 2 Corinthians 3:3; Habakkuk 2:2; Zechariah 4:7

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Crushing Satan Underneath Your Feet

Beloved Ones, self-doubt and past regret are the two walls of a very deep and narrow hole. In this position you are below ground zero. There is no way to go forward and going back is impossible as well. The only way out is up.
Have you fallen down into the darkness of this hole of self-doubt and past regret and there was no one to help? Look up, I AM your help! Have you wandered into this desolate place and waited for someone to lift you out? Look up, I AM your help! The darkness of despair may envelope you in that place, but far above you is the light of hope. Look up, for the Lord upholds all who fall and raises up all who are bowed down. I AM the sovereign God who redeems your life from the pit of destruction and works all things together for your good and My purposes. Call out to Me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know and have not seen.
I have told you that the only way out is up. You already have everything that you need to lift yourself up and out of that hole. NOT by the strength of your arms for the reach is too high for you, but by the truth of My Word which I have sent to heal you and to deliver you from all of your destructions. STAND on My Word! Look to Me and lift your foot from standing in that place below ground zero. Look to the light of the truth of My healing Word of deliverance and take one step up at a time… lift your foot up and step on self-doubt… then lift your other foot up and step on past regret. Take another step on the steep wall of self-doubt and another step on the other equally steep wall of past regret… one step of faith at a time… moving in the direction of My light… the truth of My Word…up and up… until you are out on level ground again, bathed in the light of My truth, and crushing the dark underground of self-doubt and past regret underneath your feet.

Psalm 103:4, 107:12-13,20; Psalm 145:14; Jeremiah 33:3; Romans 8:28, 16:20

Sunday, January 8, 2012


2012 is a year of INCREASE, of JUDGMENT, and of AUTHORITY. It is not the end of the world as some have predicted, but it is the end of worldliness in My people who are called My Church. I AM making a distinction between that which is spiritual and that which is natural. He who is spiritual will arise and rightly judge all things by My Spirit so that he may know what has been freely given to him by God; yet, he himself will be rightly judged by no one because the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God for they are spiritually discerned. The fear of God will increase among those who are lovers of the truth, who continue to persevere through patience and faith. They will find increased discernment to see and receive those things which I have prepared for those who love Me. There will be an increased harvest of My Kingdom through those who have sown to the Spirit. There will also be an increased harvest of fleshly corruption through those who have sown to the flesh. Those who have pleasure in unrighteousness will increase in deception through the hardness of their unrepentant hearts.
The hidden things of darkness will be revealed as light increases. This will bring a separating out of the things which are true from those which are false and will result in a more determinedly righteous alignment for increased authority and power of My Kingdom to manifest its flow in the earth. Fulfill the pleasure of My goodness and the work of faith with power. You are worthy of this calling according to My grace.

Galatians 6:7-7-8; 1 Corinthians 2:6-16; 2 Thessalonians 1:3-2:17; Romans 2:1-10;