Beloved Ones, self-doubt and past regret are the two walls of a very deep and narrow hole. In this position you are below ground zero. There is no way to go forward and going back is impossible as well. The only way out is up.
Have you fallen down into the darkness of this hole of self-doubt and past regret and there was no one to help? Look up, I AM your help! Have you wandered into this desolate place and waited for someone to lift you out? Look up, I AM your help! The darkness of despair may envelope you in that place, but far above you is the light of hope. Look up, for the Lord upholds all who fall and raises up all who are bowed down. I AM the sovereign God who redeems your life from the pit of destruction and works all things together for your good and My purposes. Call out to Me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know and have not seen.
I have told you that the only way out is up. You already have everything that you need to lift yourself up and out of that hole. NOT by the strength of your arms for the reach is too high for you, but by the truth of My Word which I have sent to heal you and to deliver you from all of your destructions. STAND on My Word! Look to Me and lift your foot from standing in that place below ground zero. Look to the light of the truth of My healing Word of deliverance and take one step up at a time… lift your foot up and step on self-doubt… then lift your other foot up and step on past regret. Take another step on the steep wall of self-doubt and another step on the other equally steep wall of past regret… one step of faith at a time… moving in the direction of My light… the truth of My Word…up and up… until you are out on level ground again, bathed in the light of My truth, and crushing the dark underground of self-doubt and past regret underneath your feet.
Psalm 103:4, 107:12-13,20; Psalm 145:14; Jeremiah 33:3; Romans 8:28, 16:20