Beloved Ones, do not remember the former things because yesterday is past and cannot be changed. Do not worry about tomorrow because today’s troubles are enough for you to overcome and tomorrow will have its own troubles. My name is “I AM”, not “I WAS” or “I WILL BE” because I AM with you in the present to help you overcome.
Your life is made up of moments. As you come to Me and give Me your mind, will, and emotions in each moment you will experience the “exchanged life” of Christ…My abundantly rich spiritual life, full of resurrection power in exchange for your natural life with all of its troubles, weakness, and failures. As you come to Me, believing in My Presence with you, looking to Me in each moment for your life then you are transformed from glory to glory. Each moment that you look TO Me is another step in the transformation process of looking LIKE Me. Today if you hear My voice, do not harden your hearts as rebellious Israel did in the wilderness, but rather, know that I AM with you to help you. Present your life to Me moment by moment as spiritual worship. Present your mind, will, and emotions to Me in your moments today and live a life of transformation.
Isaiah 43:18; Matthew 6:4; Exodus 3:14-15; Hebrews 3:7-8