Monday, April 30, 2012

Transforming Presence

Beloved Ones, do not remember the former things because yesterday is past and cannot be changed.  Do not worry about tomorrow because today’s troubles are enough for you to overcome and tomorrow will have its own troubles.  My name is “I AM”, not “I WAS” or “I WILL BE” because I AM with you in the present to help you overcome.
Your life is made up of moments.  As you come to Me and give Me your mind, will, and emotions in each moment you will experience the “exchanged life” of Christ…My abundantly rich spiritual life, full of resurrection power in exchange for your natural life with all of its troubles, weakness, and failures.  As you come to Me, believing in My Presence with you, looking to Me in each moment for your life then you are transformed from glory to glory.  Each moment that you look TO Me is another step in the transformation process of looking LIKE Me.  Today if you hear My voice, do not harden your hearts as rebellious Israel did in the wilderness, but rather, know that I AM with you to help you.  Present your life to Me moment by moment as spiritual worship.  Present your mind, will, and emotions to Me in your moments today and live a life of transformation.
Isaiah 43:18; Matthew 6:4; Exodus 3:14-15; Hebrews 3:7-8

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Beloved Ones, the enemy has given his Central Intelligence Agents an assignment to stir up chaos, irritation, and anger through external circumstances. His intent is to negatively influence your relationship with Me and others close to you in a way that takes you out of alignment with the Kingdom purpose and fruitfulness that I have for you in this season. Distraction has always been a valuable scheme of the enemy in order to make an inroad for setting up strongholds. Do not fall prey to his schemes, but rather watch and pray so that you do not fall into temptation.
Your counterintelligence mission is to center yourself internally by My Holy Spirit, lifting up your eyes to see Me as your help, for I AM not the author of disorder but of peace. I will give you the understanding you need to move in the opposite spirit of Christly order, internal peace, and amity towards others. Being centered in the peace which passes all human understanding will expose the enemy for what he is and diffuse his plots. Being strengthened by My Spirit of understanding will empower you to press in to Me and press on for the Kingdom purpose and fruitfulness that I have for you. Trust in Me. Keeping your mind fixed on Me is the key to remaining in My peace. The steadfastness of your faith in Christ is what will cause you to stay the course in this tumultuous time. Give no ground to the enemy, but rather, contend with him by My Spirit. I AM with you!

Isaiah 11:1-2, 26:3; 1 Corinthians 14:33; Colossians 2:5; Ephesians 4:27