Beloved Ones, are you again experiencing the rise of an old besetting sin? Condemnation is not from Me. Condemnation is a ploy of the enemy to acquire ownership of the property of your heart and life for his own public purpose under the right of eminent domain. But for those who are Mine, there is no more condemnation for those who do not walk according to their flesh but according to the Spirit of Christ who is in you. Christ in you is your hope of glory. If your heart condemns you, then KNOW that God is greater than your heart.
What the enemy intends for evil, I intend for good. The sin that is rising to the surface is evidence of places in your heart and things in your life that you love more than you love Me. Worship is bowing the heart and life to serve what you love. You give strength and power to what you worship. Besetting sins reveal places where the flesh has tried to rule the loves of the flesh. Satan cannot cast out Satan. Instead, he keeps you captive to your flesh and your sin. Do not despise the flesh that you see because whatever makes manifest is light. Instead, learn to hate the sin and turn to Me. In turning to Christ, the veil (hindrance) of the flesh is removed. The law (rule) of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus frees you from the law (rule) of the flesh which is sin and death. Because of the grace of God to you and the power of that grace in you by the Holy Spirit of the resurrected Christ, you can experience the victorious life, too.
Set your mind on the things of the Spirit to live according to the Spirit. The law (rule) of the Spirit of life in Christ is activated by loving the truth (and the One Who is Truth) enough to become skilled in the Word of Truth which is righteousness. This does not mean speaking out empty words of victory into the air. Rather, it means continually practicing the exercising of discerning good and evil by sharpening the sword of the spirit which is the living and powerful Word of God to you and then making that Word flesh in you (by being a doer of the Word). The Spirit and the Word are the two edges of the sword which is powerful to separate the soul from the spirit of a man, discerning even to the thoughts and intents of the heart. I have given you this powerful two edged sword NOT to wave in the air at the enemy, but to hand back to Me as an instrument of worship (weapon of warfare), allowing Me to destroy the works of the devil by surgically removing the soulish flesh of your heart. This circumcision of the heart releases your spirit man to rise up in My victorious freedom and life.
When you love Me more than you love your sin, your shackles will fall off! Only a free man can set a captive free. The cost of freedom is life in the flesh. Where your heart is hard and unwilling, I AM here to help you in your weakness. Call to Me and believe in Me. My powerful grace is sufficient for you to live in freedom from sin.
Romans 8:1-14; 1 John 3:18-20; Hebrews 4:14-5:14; Mark 3:23-29