Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Revitalization and Progress

Progress, not perfection is the goal.  Each moment holds a measure of potential.  Energy directed towards a goal potentiates the effectiveness of a particular work in progress.
Maximized energy with focused aim accomplishes more than diffused and distracted effort.  Narrow your focus to the chosen path, minimizing diversions that draw you away from Me.  I AM your life-source.  Everything else depletes your resources of energy and drains life from your being.  Revitalization is a continuous process as you stay connected to Me, the One Who is Life, by walking in the Spirit.  I AM with you to revitalize, energize, maximize, and potentiate your effectiveness as you make Me the focus of every labor of love.
You were created for good works which I prepared for you to walk in even before you were born.  You were hand-picked, chosen by Me to bear fruit that is lasting…remaining for all eternity.  Focus your energies towards that goal as worship to Me.
Ephesians 2:10; John 15:16; Romans 12:1-2

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Beautification of the Bride

You are My Bride.  I have chosen you for all eternity.  I love you with an everlasting love.  I nourish and cherish you as My own flesh.  I set you apart to Myself and cleanse you by the washing of My blood, My Word, and My Holy Spirit.
I will have a Bride that is glorious…without spot, blemish, or wrinkle.  As you yield to this washing with My blood, My Word, and My Spirit, the spot of sin is removed, the blemish of immaturity gives way to the age of wisdom, and the wrinkle of bulging excess rooted in the fear of unfulfilled worldly desires melts away in the contented satisfaction of My all-sufficient Presence.
My Bride has come to the fullness of age.  It is time for her to make herself ready for her Bridegroom.  My desire is for you!  I yearn for the marriage supper.  I AM the lover of your soul.  Will you join with My blood, My Word, and My Spirit to prepare yourself in this glorious beautification of the Bride for her long-desirous Bridegroom?  As you do, My Bride becomes fit for her King.
John 15:16; Jeremiah 31:3; Ephesians 5:22-32