This is a Bar Mitzvah year for My modern day church. It is a “coming of age” season when the sons of God will be revealed. It is also a season when the sons of God will be required to begin to take responsibility for their words, attitudes, actions, behaviors, and choices.
I, as your Heavenly Father, have covered your weaknesses in the past as a parent covers and protects a very young child. I have used this covering time as a time of training you to know how to refuse the evil and to choose the good. Now is the time of maturity when you are required to own your weaknesses, bringing them to Me in faith and believing that I AM able to work in you both to will and to do what is good and right.
Through Christ, I AM with you in your weakness to help you work out your own salvation...even when it is with fear and trembling. My grace is sufficient for you and My strength is made perfect in weakness. Do not rely on human wisdom, but rather on the power of My Holy Spirit within you. You will bear witness of the Kingdom and the power of God for salvation. Your faith and obedience bring Me great pleasure. Even when you don’t see or sense My protective covering, know that My presence is with you in power. My pleasure smiles over you as mature sons of the Living God!
Romans 8:19; Isaiah 7:15; Philippians 2:12-13; 2 Corinthians 12:9