Thursday, April 4, 2013

Choose Life

I AM the Life and the source of all life.  My words are life and in turning to Me you find life.  As you take My words of life into yourself, you are nourished with My life.  I AM Light and My words are light.  As you take My light into yourself, I enlighten your darkness so that you are not overcome by the darkness.  My light and life become your light and life as you choose Me.
This very act of choosing Me, moment by moment, entails a forsaking of other things.  This “forsaking” is a turning away from other things...lesser things.  It is a choosing of life and a forsaking of all else because all else eventually leads to death.  These “lesser things” do not all have the appearance of evil; some even have the appearance of “good”.  However, eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil leads to death.  It is only as you choose to eat from the Tree of Life that the blessings of My Kingdom remain.
There is an order of things in this “choosing” if you are to continue successfully.  This order involves counting the cost.  Listen carefully, for I AM giving you a key of truth that will set you free from your cycles of failure.  Counting the cost does not begin with looking at the price to be paid.  Counting the cost BEGINS with first knowing what assets you have.  These assets are the wealth and substance of resources at your disposal that can be used as a medium of exchanged value.  As you turn to look at Me and realize the abundance of the wealth of your heavenly inheritance, you receive My grace and the lesser things of the world loose their power to hold you. Forsaking darkness for light is as easy as turning on the light, forsaking good for best is as easy as wanting what is MORE desirable, and forsaking death for life is the end result.  Come to Me,  precious ones!  Come and buy and eat.  Only I will satisfy you.  Let your soul delight itself in My abundance.  Listen carefully to Me, and come to Me.  Take My words of light and life into you and your soul will live in My abundance.   

John 1:4-5; Luke 14:28-33; Isaiah 7:15, 55:1-3; Deuteronomy 30:19-20