I love a cheerful giver! Give a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over out of your own substance. Seeing My children graciously, generously and joyfully sharing your blessings brings delight to My heart. With the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you. You may feel that you don’t have much to bring to the table. You may feel that what you have to offer is just a pittance, but I delighted in the widow’s mite because I saw that she gave what she had. That is all that I ask of you ...to give out of what I have given to you, knowing that I AM your Provider.
I have given gifts to each one and as you give your pittance, your mite, it becomes worship to Me. Giving what little you have shows that you know and trust Me as the One who is the Giver of all. It shows that you believe that every good and perfect gift comes from Me. You become like Me as you give as I have given.
I have given gifts to each one and as you give your pittance, your mite, it becomes worship to Me. Giving what little you have shows that you know and trust Me as the One who is the Giver of all. It shows that you believe that every good and perfect gift comes from Me. You become like Me as you give as I have given.
Bring your pittance, your mite and offer it joyfully, cheerfully knowing that I AM the one who multiples the seed that is sown. Cheerfully, graciously, generously and joyfully give your mite of talent, time, energy, finances and resources. You have a rich inheritance and can afford to be generous!
2 Corinthians 9:7; Luke 6:38, 21:1-4; James 1:17