Beloved Ones, the Kingdom of Heaven is within you. I have placed eternity in your hearts. It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is profitable for nothing and it will not prevail. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. My eternal and living words quicken your spirit to rise up into the abundant life that I have for you…a life that is something above the ordinary…and you become supernatural… bearing excellent and lasting fruit.
I AM purposeful and intentional in sowing good seed (wheat) into My field (the world), but the enemy is just as purposeful and intentional about sowing bad seed (tares) into My field. He does it while men sleep (a state of not being awake in which voluntary functions are suspended). I have given you My field to tend and so you must be just as purposeful and intentional about My Kingdom because only what is born of the seed of God overcomes the world. Only what is born of the Spirit is life-giving and eternal. The tares are similar in appearance to wheat. To those without discernment, worldliness can have a “form (appearance) of godliness”, but without true spiritual power and leading to death rather than supernatural, abundant, eternal life. The tares are a “bastard” plant with poisonous seeds that produce, sleepiness, nausea, convulsions, and…eventually…death (Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary). The tares are the sons of the evil one.
Be sober, awake, alert, watchful, and vigilant because the adversary walks through the field sowing seeds of destruction. Only those who are born of My Spirit…only those who reproduce My seed…My Word which is spirit and life…only these are true sons of God bearing the good fruit of My Kingdom and supernatural, abundant, eternal life.
Luke 17:20, 6:45; Ecclesiastes 3:11; John 6:63, 68; Matthew 13:36-43; 1Peter 5:8
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