Beloved Ones, My divine power has given to you all things that are appropriate and relevant to life and godliness through the knowledge (experiential depth of understanding) of the One who has called you by the astounding beauty of righteous achievement and goodness. I have done this…a finished work…so that you can be participants WITH this same divine nature…breaking free from the captivity of corruption (dishonesty for personal gain) that comes from worldly lust. It is more admirable to give than to acquire and store up for yourselves…the value being weighed for eternity rather than the fleeting gain of the temporal pleasures of this world. It is the nature of the enemy to steal…to usurp for his own gain that which is intended for others benefit. Work so that you have something to give. Divine nature is characterized by faith working through love…not working FOR love…not working FOR salvation…but freely receiving the gifts of love and salvation through faith so that your nature is transformed into divine nature…one that is free of covetousness and labors because of love to have something to give to others.
You do not know when your soul will be required of you. Make the most of each day that you are given while you are able to store up treasure in heaven. I have given you richly all things to enjoy; however, do not trust in uncertain riches but in the living God. Do good and be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for yourselves a good foundation for the time to come, that you may grab onto eternal life. Be rich toward the God who loves you rather than storing up the stuff of this world for yourselves.
2Peter 1:2-4; Acts 20:34-35; James 4:2-4; Ephesians 4:25-5:2; 1Timothy 6:17-19; Luke 12:20-21
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