Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Truth About Emptiness

Beloved Ones, take off the shame of emptiness. This shame is rooted in the mindset that emptiness is the end of all things. The truth is that emptiness is the beginning of Kingdom things. Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Have you not heard that in the beginning of creation the earth was void? It was into this large EMPTY space that I choose to fill with Kingdom creation. Have you not heard that Elisha told the widow to go and collect EMPTY vessels from her neighbors? It was into many EMPTY vessels that I choose to fill with Kingdom provision. Have you not heard that Jesus emptied himself to come in the likeness of men? It was into My EMPTY Son that I choose to fill with Kingdom destiny. Have you not heard that the tomb was EMPTY? It was into this EMPTY place that I choose to bring Kingdom power…the resurrection power of the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Do not despise your emptiness. Come to Me in your emptiness and I will satisfy you. Let your soul delight itself in My abundance! Come to Me as an EMPTY vessel and I will fill you with My Kingdom creation, My Kingdom provision, My Kingdom destiny, and My Kingdom power! Yes…Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for THEIRS is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are you when you’re EMPTY…when you are at the end of all things, because that is where the Kingdom comes!
Matthew 5:3; Genesis 1:1-3; 2 Kings 4:3; Philippians 2:7; John 20:1-9; Isaiah 55:1-3

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Your Crown

Beloved Ones, It is for freedom that I have made you free…free to BE who you are created to be; free to fully occupy your God given, divinely inspired identity; free to walk with your head held high into your joy-filled destiny!
You are no longer bound under the false identity of the supplanter whose intent has been to trip you up and overthrow your true identity. You are a child of GOD; you are a child of the King of Kings. You are one who is called to reign with God over all of creation.
I have come to give you a crown of righteousness…to make all that concerns you right again. I have come to give you a crown of life…to resurrect the dead things and renew your hope in glory.
You are those who have struggled with God and men and you have prevailed! Hold fast to what you have, that no one may take your crown! Take your place of authority and reign with Me over ALL of your territory. Freely and fully occupy your God given destiny and stand fast in your God given liberty!

Galatians 5:1; 2 Timothy 4:8; Genesis 32:22-30; Revelation 3:11