Monday, July 29, 2013


“Come out, come out wherever you are!”  
Many of you are playing children’s games in My House when I have called you to cooperate with me in the sanctification work of maturity.  Instead, you are hiding behind things like good deeds, the outer appearance of respectability, the approval of man, and many other worldly things.  These are only religious shells full of dry bones.      
I don’t play Hide-N-Seek.  I play SARDINES!  Where you are, there I AM with you!  I AM patient and longsuffering in My kindness toward you so that you may come to repentance on your own.  I AM also Light and Truth.  Your hidden place of darkness will be exposed in My light and truth, so come out of your hiding place while you are able to repent before Me freely before those hidden things of darkness become revealed to others who find you in that hiding place...and before you carry the responsibility and consequences of bringing others into the place of your darkness.  
Prophesy the breath of My Holy Spirit on these dry bones to revive them and bring new life into the place of dead works.  I will provide that new life in the Spirit with muscles and tendons to strengthen and reconnect you so that My Bride can go forth in the power of My Kingdom.  Be free of the empty shell of religious works and let your inner reality come into alignment with My Word of Truth.
“All ye, all ye, in come free!”

Isaiah 58:7; Matthew 23:27; John 3:19-21; Ezekiel 37:4-6


Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Many of My people have been hit and wounded by “friendly fire” because of the schemes of the enemy.  Where he has not been successful in “direct hits”, he has used the “fog of war” (uncertainty in situational awareness experienced by participants in conflict) to take strategic advantage against My people from within My Body, My Family.
I AM Jehovah Rapha, “God Your Healer”.  I AM increasing the anointing on My Word, My Truth to cleanse My Bride through the washing of My Word, My Truth, My Presence.  This washing will remove the fog of war to bring clarity and healing to My people.  I will have a glorious Bride without spot, blemish, wrinkle, scar or any such thing.
I have called My people to be holy and set apart to Me.  I AM building a unified and victorious Church in the earth.  Each one of you has a part in that glorious wholeness and victory.  Come near to Me, the One Who is your Truth, your Healer and allow Me to pour over you My Living Word to wash you and cleanse you from the fog of war; healing you and making you whole.

Ephesians 5:25-27