Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Come away with Me to the hidden place of intimate connection.  Let Me restore your soul with vitality and strength that is supernatural life.  The harshness of the past season is over and this is a time of revitalization, fruitfulness, and new wine.   I AM breathing new life into the hopes, dreams, and promises that have been buried under the rubble of worldly cares..

Revitalization begins with revival, revelation and then the removal of the rubble.  Connect with me face to face in the quiet refuge of My love and receive the resuscitation of life for present Kingdom purpose. It is here that you will be renewed in the hope of glory.  It is here that you will reconnect with vision for the dreams that I have sown into your spirit and divine design.  It is here that you will gain revelation for the restoration of promised destiny.  

There is a heavenly wisdom available to you for what things have hindered you from fully occupying your promises.  There is knowledge available for what things have kept you from fully tasting the new wine that I have purposed for you to drink of...deeply, joyfully, exuberantly.   Sometimes it is the good and the better which keeps you from the best.  These are the little foxes that spoil the vines by robbing them of the choicest grapes, thus producing a lesser vintage.  I AM revitalizing your inheritance which requires a revelation and removal of those things.  

Let Me breathe My love into you afresh and this will be a joyful work and not a heavy labor.  You will find energized freedom to release the lesser things as you know and experience intimate connection with the one who is Truth and the Lover of your soul.  Revival is the precursor to revitalization!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Redeeming The Time

During worship on Saturday night I saw a picture of a huge hourglass with the sand nearly spent. God's hand was over it and pouring more sand into the top of it. The prophetic word that I heard was "I AM redeeming the time. For those who feel that they have missed their opportunity, I AM redeeming the time. For those who have been intensely battling the enemy to contend for their promised land, I AM redeeming the time. The odds against you have been great, but the battle is not lost. It rages fiercely, but I AM with you for complete victory. Call out to Me because I AM fighting for you. Let My word be on your lips and take up the sword of My Spirit because I will fulfill that word. The enemy that you have pursued in the darkest night will be brought to victory in the light. Put your foot on his neck and make an end of him. The end of the battle is near. I AM redeeming the time."  (Joshua 10)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

To The Victor Goes The Spoils

The battles rage and warfare continues to increase in the earth.  The kingdom of darkness and death has set itself against the Kingdom of Light and Life.  I have already won the victory over death through My death and resurrection; however, as long as there is still life in the world there will be a battle to extinguish it until death is swallowed up in (My) victory.  Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God.  Corruption cannot inherit incorruption.  When the corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then death is swallowed up in victory.

Wage the good warfare according to My Word to you.  Fight the good fight of faith to lay hold on to eternal life for which you have been called.  To the Victor goes the spoils (booty, plunder, heaps of treasures accumulated, and weapons stripped from the enemy).  I have disarmed the principalities and powers, having made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them.  Whatever is born of God overcomes the world.  And this is the victory that has overcome the world---your faith.  I delight in those who put their faith in My victory.  I delight in gathering up the spoils of the battle won.  You are My special treasures in the earth!  As you choose to position yourselves in praise in battle, as you choose to put your faith in My finished work on the cross, as you choose to put on incorruption, and choose to put on an immortality mindset over a finite and worldly mindset then you are also walking in My victory.  Let thanks arise to God, Who has given you the victory in Jesus Christ!

Monday, September 22, 2014

It's a NEW Day!

It's a NEW day!  The old is passing away and I AM making all things new again.  I AM doing a new thing in the earth...a new thing in you.  This is a season of new things, of new mercies, new songs, new names, new wine, and new wineskins.  That glass ceiling of the past season is being lifted even as I AM making old dreams new again.

It's time to shake off the slumber of darkness and arise with a new heart, new mind, and new spirit to step out on the waters of this new day!  The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.  I AM with you and I AM for you as you walk out on the uncharted waters by faith.

Isaiah 43:19New King James Version (NKJV)

 "Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?  I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."