Are you dry and thirsty? Do you wonder at the desert landscape that you have found yourself in as you walk on parched ground that once was lush with life? You have been called to abundance. Do you question My leading and the reality of the Land of Promise with its abundance? The dry lakebed can be a place of revelation and resurrected destiny if you will have eyes to see and ears to hear. Take a look at what has been below the surface covering of the waters. Observe the skeletal remains of what was once living and the rubbished remnants of what was once religious works, worldly pursuits or distracting entertainment. What value is there in these things now? I AM the Fountain of Living Waters. Have I not said that I will never leave you or forsake you? If you find that your land of abundance has become a desert, it is not because I have abandoned YOU. See, hear, and consider whether the pursuit of your own agendas has distracted you from the pursuit of Me.

Jeremiah 2:11-13, 33:3; Haggai 1:10-11; Hebrews 13:5; Isaiah 51:3
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